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Classical Mosaic String

A lovely, versatile string that makes wonderful mosaics.

25 libras esterlinas

Descripción del servicio

I saw this string on a ceramic tile at a friend's house and immediately was inspired to use it to create a tile that would repeat and repeat to create a beautiful mosiac. It lends itself to colour and so in this class, we will make prepare two tiles using two different colouring techniques - watercolour and coloured pencil. I leave it entirely up to you to select your colours although I will offer advice and options so that you can make your choices. I will be using the Viviva colour sheets which are gaining increasing popularity for their lovely vibrant shades and the simplicity of their packages and ease of use. You can use your own favourite watercolours. My own favourite coloured pencils are the Faber-Castell Polychromos but again, have a selection of your own preferred brand and choose some contrasting or complimentary shades. To create the mosaics, you can either make four or more tiles using this string, or try the very flexible Layout app available through the app stores. Materials: Two Zentangle tiles (can be white, renaissance or grey - your choice). Micron 01 pen in black, 2B pencil and blender. White Gelly Roll pen for highlights and a white chalk pencil. Watercolours of your choice and fine paintbrush or waterbrush. Coloured pencils of your choice. No rulers but have an eraser (shhh) just in case you want to remove some of the pencil lines we use at the beginning. Vi este hilo en un azulejo de cerámica en la casa de un amigo e inmediatamente me inspiré a usarlo para crear un azulejo que se repetiría una y otra vez para crear un hermoso mosaico. Se presta al color y, por lo tanto, en esta clase prepararemos dos teselas utilizando dos técnicas de coloración diferentes: acuarela y lápiz de color. Mis propios preferidos son Viviva coloursheets y Polychromos, pero no importa la marca. Materiales: dos teselas de Zentangle (pueden ser blanco, renacimiento o gris). Micron 01 en negro. Lapiz de 2B y braulio. Gelly Roll en blanco y lapiz blanco. Acuarelas en tus colores preferidos, pincel o pincel de agua. Lápices de color a tu gusto. No hace falta regla pero una gomma (shhh) si quieras quitar unas de las lineas de lapiz.

Próximas sesiones

Política de cancelación

If you can't attend a class that you have paid for, please contact Annie to make suitable arrangements. Online Classes only: Apart from the Teaching the Teacher workshops, workshops will be recorded. If you can't attend a live Zoom workshop, you will automatically receive the recording within 24 hours. No need to cancel or let me know if you can't attend. Please note: these recordings are for your personal use only and cannot be shared. Excepto los talleres de 'Teaching the Teacher, los talleres son grabados. Si no puedes asistir a un taller de Zoom, revibirás el video dentro de 24 horas. No hace falta cancelar o informarme si no puedes asister. Nota bene: El video es solo para participantes y tu propio uso. No puede compartirlo.

Detalles del contacto

0044 7899 824954

West Kirby, UK

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